
Thursday, April 23, 2015

3 ways to hear from God: part 2

Are you struggling to hear from God? You're at the right place because this is part 2 of "3 ways to hear from God" make sure you read part 1 here!
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1. Through someone's testimony.

Sometimes we can unconsciously put God in a box.

We only think about the things we see Him do in our own lives. Or worse, we fail to even give Him credit for what He does in our lives because we forget that He is the one doing it in the first place.

It is natural to limit God, that is just the way the mind works.

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.
[1 Corinthians 2:9]

One way to hear from God and increase your faith is by hearing someone's testimony.

God can use what He did in someone else's life to reveal who He is to you. For example, maybe  I'm you're feeling down about how you are ever going to pay off college loans. When someone testifies that God cancelled $50,000 of their debt, that might be God's way of telling you to trust that His plans are for you to prosper. 

Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.
[Mark 5:19]

2. Through obedience.

Hearing from God is just like hearing from anyone else. Except way different. But still similar.

Hearing God's voice is all about recognizing God's voice. 

When you feel a tug from the Holy Spirit, you are hearing from God. Now you have two options:

1. Ignore the voice
2. Respond to the voice

When you choose to respond to the Holy Spirit, you are obeying God and ultimately growing in Christ. The more you obey, the more familiar you get with God's voice. You begin to know exactly what He sounds like and when He is speaking.

No more trying to figure out who you're talking to.

Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,
"This is the way, walk in it,"
Whenever you turn to the right hand
Or whenever you turn to the left.
[Isaiah 30:21]

3. Through His word.

The hands-down, never failing, best way to hear from God is through His word.

God highly esteems His word, so much so that he placed it above His own name.

For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.
[Psalm 138:2]

Whenever I feel like I have drifted away from God and need to get back to Him, I open my bible. It is better than talking to any person on this earth.

Everything God tells you can be confirmed in His word. And in one simple verse, God teaches us how to hear Him...

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
[Romans 10:17]

How do you hear from God?


  1. Great post!! Cute blog too!

  2. Amen, Holly! All great reminders and ideas. (: I know I hear from God while walking through His creation--we have beautiful forests near us, and it's so peaceful to think of how God made this!

  3. Yes, yes, yes to #3! God speaks to us through his Word and works in us through His Spirit. He even allows us to appeal to Him through our prayers. Whenever people say they're feeling distant from God, I typically ask if they've read His word or prayed lately. Excellent post, Holly!

  4. Thank you Brittany, and thanks for helping out!

  5. Yes Kiera, that usually always makes me reflect on God. Great point, it is very peaceful.

  6. Aww thanks Pastor Liz ;) "He even allows us to appeal to Him through our prayers." You're so eloquent lol

  7. There are so many ways we can hear from God, so we are never alone or without counsel! Thanks for reminding me of that!

  8. OH MY GOODNESSS! I LOVE GIFS! They just make pieces so much funnier and easier to read! But the content is even more great! Thanks for sharing! Ps. I love your blog!

  9. Yayy for GIFS! Lol thank you so much Hanha! Love yours too :)

  10. Wow this was much needed and confirmation of What I'm going through, right in time... Thank you!

  11. Glad you were blessed Bolu. Praisee God :)
