
Monday, March 28, 2016

5 Reasons It's OK To Talk About The Sin In Your Life

1. Sin won’t be able to deceive you.

Sin is a really good liar.

God says, “peace I leave with you.” Sin says, “peace I leave with you.”

God says, “You will find comfort in me.” Sin says, “You will find comfort in me.”

Sin wants so desperately, to be God. Don’t think so? Think about the temptation you're falling into these days?

Is it pride? Jealousy? Discontentment? Laziness? Overeating? Lying? Watching pornography? Having sex outside of marriage? Getting high? Getting drunk? Disrespecting your spouse? Listening to music that doesn’t glorify God? Watching TV shows that aren’t pleasing to Christ? Homosexuality? Harboring unforgiveness? Dishonoring your parents?

If you're any bit flawed like me, you can probably identify with something on that list. Think about that thing. (If you don’t think you fit any of those categories, just pick whichever one you can justify. That’s it. That’s the one.)

Think about that thing. Whenever you choose to do it, you are believing a lie. You are believing the lie that anything, something, somehow, can satisfy you- apart from Christ.

In Psalm 107:9, God says that He satisfies our longing, hungry souls. And when you’re up against a statement like that, you have to tell a pretty convincing lie to get someone to believe it.

None of theses things truly satisfy us, rather, they make us feel far from Christ. When you address sin, you expose its true intentions. If you recognize sin for what it is, a fraud, you don’t have to keep falling into the same cycle time and time again.        

You almost had me, sin. Joke’s on you.

2. You will be aware of the Holy Spirit.

The difference between us and Jesus is sin. He never sinned, we always have.

But He wants us to be more like Him. So we study the character of Jesus Christ and we cry out in desperation for Him to mold us into His image.

God loves us because of how good He is and, likewise, we are supposed to love Him because of how good He is.

But we fall short and we focus on other things besides His goodness, like what He can do for us. Then we get distracted and we think about our lives and how they should be so great and comfortable. So we adopt sinful ways to satisfy ourselves temporarily. But in Christ’s goodness, He recognizes our wandering and draws us back to Him again.

He wants us to turn from our wicked ways and choose Him so that we can be healed. So He showers us with His love and rebukes us by shining a light on the areas of our lives that don’t exactly reflect His.

If we don’t realize what He wants us to let go of, then we can totally miss out on the growth He wants us to experience.

As bitter as it seems, chastisement is really quite sweet.

My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord,
Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;
For whom the Lord loves He chastens,
And scourges every son whom He receives.
(Hebrews 12:6 NKJV)

3. If you don’t remind yourself, who will?

You probably don’t scroll through Facebook and see 100 videos on how you should turn from your sin and choose to live a life fully surrendered to Christ. In fact, for every 100 super encouraging posts you see, you’re fortunate to see one that’s actually convicting. Quite frankly, the message of repentance isn’t particularly popular these days.

It’s good to know when sin has crept into your life because if you don’t remain aware, you can’t exactly expect society to keep you in check.

Your word I have hidden in my heart,
That I might not sin against You.
(Psalm 119:11)

4. You can help people who are going through the same thing.

How many times will we believe the lie that our sin is so bad that we are the only ones dealing with it?

The enemy has been trying to make you feel isolated since you were a child. The truth is, other people are going through exactly what you are going through.

When you open up about your struggles, you create an environment of vulnerability and a community of hope in Christ.

You don’t have to go through it alone. This doesn’t mean you should keep doing it together, rather, that you can stop doing it...together!

There are most likely a ton of resources and may even be an entire ministry devoted to people facing essentially what you face each day. It is imperative that we stay connected to the body, and unity starts with honesty.

5. You will ultimately glorify Christ.

There’s nothing like a testimony to point yourself and others back to the Father’s heart. Christ isn’t glorified when we pretend we don’t go through anything or we’re somehow the victim in every hardship we face.

Christ is glorified when we reveal the raw, unfiltered truth about just how much we can’t live without Him.

He has put a new song in my mouth—

Praise to our God;
Many will see it and fear,
And will trust in the Lord.

(Psalm 40:3 NKJV)

Here's to accepting Jesus' victory over death without underestimating my total dependence on grace!

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